Hypnosis Suggestions
These suggestions will give you an idea of the types of positive phrases that many people like.
You can identify the suggestions you prefer and I will incorporate them into the hypnosis component of your appointment.
You might like to repeat a preferred suggestion to yourself as you go about your day.
One easy way to repattern your subconscious is to record a number of your favourite suggestions and listen to your recording while exercising, making a meal or other activity.
One of the most important aspects of these suggestions is that they fit you - feel free to change them around to suit your needs.
One of my personal favourites is: I am loved. I am safe. All is well.
General Suggestions:
Every day and in every way I am getting better and better.
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I communicate skillfully and effectively.
I am as powerful and dynamic as I need to be.
I love and accept myself where I am right now.
I have a calm and optimistic outlook.
My mind is calm and I have inner courage.
I have a lot to offer and everyone knows it.
I am talented, intelligent and creative.
I respect myself and the way I act.
I now continue to create my inner peace.
I am wonderful just as I am.
I am beautiful and loveable.
The peaceful choices I make bring me joy.
I am committed to myself, my goals and my values.
I am proud of myself.
I am at peace with myself, the world and everyone in it.
I am willing to be happy and successful and I deserve it.
I am kind and loving and I have a great deal to share with others.
I am optimistic and enthusiastic.
Health Suggestions:
Every day and in every way I get healthier and healthier.
Self-care is my priority for optimal health.
My immune system is working perfectly and I am in great health.
I feel stronger in body and mind.
I heal easily and effortlessly.
I deserve ideal health and to feel good.
Every day in every way, my health and well-being grow stronger.
I am good to my body and my body is good to me.
I now focus my powerful mind on healing myself.
I deserve to feel good and I do.
I am looking and feeling healthier.
Every breath I take gives me powerful healing energy.
I now release any patterns of illness to create ideal health.
All of my organs are healthy and work optimally.
My brain is in good health and works at optimal levels.
I breathe easily, deeply and regularly.
I am healthy in body, emotions, mind and spirit.
I give thanks for my ever strengthening immune system and health.
My positive attitude helps keep me healthy.
I choose positive thoughts of good health.
I choose to live a healthy lifestyle.
I now care for and nourish myself with love and joy.
I release that which I no longer need in my life.
I open to joy and choose to love my life.
I now see the world as safe and friendly.
I am powerful, independent and in control of my life.
My mind is alert and my heart exudes joy.
I release the pattern that created this situation - I accept healing.
I treat myself and others with respect and honesty.
I take time every day to have fun.
Noticing the beauty in nature heals me.
Healthy Eating:
I now choose healthy meals, good exercise and plenty of rest.
I deserve to feel good and I do.
I choose to live a healthy lifestyle.
Regular exercise and healthy food choices encourage my ideal weight of _______.
Every day and every way I am closer to my ideal and healthy body weight.
I now easily have the self-discipline to choose appropriate portions of healthy foods.
I reach my optimum weight of ________ by ___________ (date).
I now care for and nourish myself with love and joy.
I now feel better mentally and physically when I eat healthy.
I release that which I no longer need in my life.
My intake, assimilation and elimination are in perfect balance.
I release any restrictions and I am free to be me.
I am free of cravings.
I have the will-power and discipline to do anything I desire.
I open to joy and choose to love my life.
I choose to drink ______ glasses of water daily.
I now create a new life that I love.
No person, place or thing has any power over me. I have power over me. I am free.
I am easily able to decline harmful substances.
I treat myself and others with respect and honesty.
I control what goes into my body.
I am proud of my accomplishments. I have a healthy body.
I release all the excess weight, the extra stuffing and unnecessary burdens.
I feed my body only appropriate portions of healthier foods.
I feed real physical hunger instead of emotions.
I honour my body’s need for sleep, exercise and food.
I choose to eat in calm and relaxed environments.
Every day I move one step closer, every day I become lighter, slimmer, healthier and happier.
I put aside any distractions and focus my full attention on the healthy foods I choose.
I enjoy the taste of fresh natural foods: sweet juicy fruits,
crisp succulent vegetables, healthy proteins and flavourful herbs and spices.
I eat slowly, tasting everything fully, savouring every mouthful, feeling every cell in my body being nourished.
Sugar, excessive amounts of salt and heavy sauces are now unappealing to me.
I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I focus on the positive and attractive aspects.
I move beyond any self-limiting and negative thoughts and emotions.
I choose to stop eating after _____ pm.
I choose three moderate meals daily; fruits and veggies are tasty snacks.
Exercise Suggestions:
Regular exercise is good for my body.
I choose to be more active every day.
Every day and every way I am closer to a fit, toned and strong body.
I exercise for _________ minutes, __________ times a week.
Exercise is a way for me to care for and nourish myself with love and joy.
I now feel better mentally and physically when I exercise regularly.
I release any resistance to an active and vital life.
I now create a new love for physical activity.
I now let go of old beliefs about exercise that get in my way of physical fitness.
I choose positive thoughts about exercise.
Exercise is a healthier outlet for any frustrations that can arise in the day.
Every step moves me closer to a lighter, slimmer, healthier and happier body.
I take the stairs whenever I can.
I choose to park further away and feel energized by my walk.
It is easy to find excuses to add exercise into my day.
My daily exercise is a joyous, welcome experience and I feel great after.
I notice how strong and lean my body is becoming.
I increase my athletic endurance with every workout.
Physical fitness allows easier balance of hormones, blood sugar and cholesterol.
I wake energized by thoughts of being active.
I sleep peacefully with the knowledge I took good care of my body.
My sculptured muscles are looking amazing.
Exercise is easier and effortless for me.
Deep and regular breathing becomes easier as my fitness level improves.
Improved fitness allows an optimistic, pleasant and peaceful mood.
I choose to be mentally alert, emotionally stable and physically strong.
I am becoming a happier, healthier and physically fit person.
I look forward to walking through the doors of the gym for a refreshing workout.
It feels GREAT to complete a successful workout.
My hand to eye co-ordination is improving dramatically.
I have perfect athletic performance whether alone or within a team.
When not exercising, my body repairs itself for greater strength, endurance and stamina.
Stretching is a pleasurable way to condition my body.
I heed my body’s limitations and any warning signs.
I imagine myself performing perfectly, breathing easily and feeling great.
Mental rehearsal improves my athletic performance dramatically.
Like all great athletes, I condition my mind with powerful, positive self-talk.
At the start of all athletic activities, I easily go into a state of highly focused relaxation for peak performance.
I am now able to perform in all weather conditions.
I am now able to perform on any apparatus, in any health club, in any facility.
Physical activity pumps me full of energy!
Every week, I maintain my regular and reasonable workout schedule.
If I get off my workout schedule for any reason, I resume immediately once it is safe to do so.
I can choose to improve any area of my life using the same strategies that I used for physical fitness.
Sleep Suggestions:
I easily go to sleep at the time I choose.
I sleep well at bedtime and awaken refreshed in the morning at _____ o’clock.
I choose to wake refreshed from my deep and restful sleep.
I am grateful for my growing ability for restful sleep.
The normal sounds around me at night take me deeper into sleep.
If I wake at night, I return to sleep quickly and easily.
My legs remain comfortably heavy, relaxed and quiet throughout the night.
It is safe for me to sleep deeply every night.
Deep sleep restores my immune system into health.
My breathing is regular, consistent and quiet while I sleep.
Even in the deepest sleep, I have an even, steady flow of oxygen.
I choose calming thoughts as I drift off to sleep.
I STOP, Release and Replace any negative thoughts with positive thoughts and feelings.
When I sleep, my thoughts are calm and I am serene.
I deserve restful and peaceful sleep each and every night.
Both my body and mind relax as I settle into sleep at night.
I choose to be calm and relaxed in both my body and mind during my sleep.
As I lie down in bed, my mind relaxes, my body relaxes and I am calm.
I always wake rested, relaxed and renewed.
Prosperity Suggestions
The more prosperity my life’s work brings me, the more I have to share.
I create unlimited wealth for many.
I deserve the abundance that flows into my life.
I relax into the flow of life and let it provide all that I need.
I feel good about earning money.
Every day I am growing more financially prosperous.
All my ventures are profitable.
I generate unlimited opportunities to increase wealth for me and others.
This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us.
I deserve to be prosperous and I am.
I deserve abundance and I enjoy sharing it with others.
I have valuable ideas that generate wealth that I share.
The more I have, the more I have to give.
The more I give, the more I receive and the happier I feel.
I see opportunities for success for everything that I do.
Every day and in every way, I become more successful.
I lovingly use my power to become successful.
Success comes to me easily and effortlessly.
What I can believe, I can achieve.
I am successful because I recognize and grasp opportunities.
I can now accomplish my goals easily and effortlessly.
I am a winner and everyone I interact with is also a winner.
It is safe for me to succeed.
I create opportunities for success for myself and others.
I feel good about myself and my successes.
I release old patterns within me and I now allow success to be mine.
I am guided to choose the right goals for myself and the highest good of all.
I work at what I love and love what I do.
I have a great career and I deserve it.
I enjoy my work and it pays me very well.
My work brings light to my community.
My work provides pleasure for me and those around me.
My career brings infinite riches, materially and spiritually.
My life’s work is illuminated by light and love.
I now create an exciting and satisfying career.
My work pours happiness into my life.
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