What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of physical and mental relaxation that allows the subconscious mind to accept positive suggestions.

Hypnosis is first and foremost a state of focused attention... hypnosis is not sleep and you will typically hear everything said during your hypnosis session.

While in hypnosis, you are aware of the suggestions being made and you have complete control over whether to remain in hypnosis, or not.

You are always in control of your mind. You cannot be induced to do or say anything that violates your personal standards of behaviour or integrity.

If you have a vivid imagination, you will find hypnosis to be highly effective.

Having a “strong will”, high intelligence or a difficulty visualizing are not barriers to hypnosis.

If you have experience meditating or relaxing, you will find that your hypnosis experiences will be easier to attain.

If you have not had experience with meditation or relaxation, you can easily practice before booking a session by using a hypnosis recording. Ask me for recommendations.

Hypnosis will work for you if you want it to...you are always in control.

Who should avoid hypnosis?

Anyone with epilepsy or significant mental illness (i.e. bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia) are not suitable candidates for hypnosis.

If you would like hypnosis to relieve pain, you must provide a letter from your doctor (an Rx note is acceptable) indicating that that hypnosis is medically safe for you.


There is a significant body of research in the medical and dental fields in both North America and Europe.

Hypnosis can promote your ability to create natural anaesthetic (endorphins, etc) that are easily used and metabolized by our bodies. Natural hypnosis-induced anaesthetic is the safest way to birth babies.

Some people are using hypnosis as their only anaesthetic in the dental chair and in surgery.


Ellen Degeneres, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Samuel L. Jackson and Winona Ryder stopped smoking with hypnosis.

Kevin Costner used hypnosis to stop his sea sickness.

Martha Stewart used hypnosis and stopped her nightmares of jail with hypnosis.

Sarah Ferguson has used hypnosis to deal with stress.

Tiger Woods gained a mental edge for golf using hypnosis.

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